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St. Ansgar CSD

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My child already receives special education services. Does this mean they no longer receive these services?   No, SPED services are in addition to WIN time. If the students do not have the SPED teacher as their WIN teacher, they will also receive their SPED time as normal.

Is my child "stuck" in the same group all year?  Your child is not stuck in the same group. The groups are not static and changed at least every six weeks.

Is WIN Time special education time?  WIN time is SPED time if the child is in the same group as their SPED teacher.

Does my student only work with the general education classroom teacher?  No, your child may work with an adult that is part of that grade level WIN time. The classroom teachers help the other adults with preparing for WIN time.

What is progress monitoring?  Progress monitoring is an individual weekly assessment given to monitor student's progress toward the areas identified as below benchmark on the universal screening.

How often does my child test?  The universal screening is completed three times a year, September, January, and May. Those students who are not proficient will be progress monitored weekly.

Will my child miss classroom time?  No, WIN scheduled for each  grade level during the day. Each child will be involved in WIN no matter their level of reading.

If my child doesn't need these supports, what are they doing during this time?  WIN stands for "What I Need." Each student will be working on improving their reading at the level they are at. We will enrich instruction for excellent readers and provide targeted instruction for lower level readers to help them meet proficiency.

How will I be informed of the progress my child is making?  In the fall, every parent will be notified of the proficiency of their child. At conferences parents will also learn about the growth of their child. Progress monitoring graphs will be sent home every six weeks.

What happens if an intervention is not working?  If an intervention is not working, the teacher will make a change. If, after six weeks, there is still no progress, the child may be recommended for more intense instruction, Tier 3.